Our world today and our future families tomorrow are threatened with enormous challenges we must and will overcome. Climate change, international conflicts, terrorism, mass migration, racism and inequality are just some of the major issues that stand in our way. But the best thing about the future is that we all get to have a say.
‘Crazy’ in the 21st century is believing politicians, corporations and scientists alone will define and shape our future for the good of everyone on the planet. And for the good of the planet.
Politicians have summits, agree numbers to reduce emissions, shake hands then nothing happens. Deadlines are too far out to make a difference. The majority of corporations are only interested in reducing costs and increasing profits without worrying about the environment or the people they exploit. But don’t get too depressed. There’s a lot of hope out there.
There are politicians and political parties who are working tirelessly for change and a brighter, fairer tomorrow. There are all sorts of new business models that bring out the potential in people and protect the planet. New technologies are giving us hope for our future families and their quality of life. Scientists are making incredible medical, social and industrial breakthroughs every day. We need to help and support all of them.
Time is not on our side. We must act quickly and effectively. What we need now is radical collaboration between government, industry and society. Radical? Because this type of collaboration has never been seen before. Radical? Because each sector shares the same unified goal, working together and benefiting together instead of only representing the views of party voters, shareholders and particular segments of society.
This is where Alice comes in to support those who are championing the future and bringing about change today.
When Alice Dreams is both a community and a time capsule. A community that champions the future and a time capsule that reaches out to talk to those of us yet to come. As a community, we are real people with real concerns who want change now. As the community grows bigger, more and more voices will join the conversation with the future and have a real impact on how we can create change today. We can support those politicians, businesses, scientists and organisations who champion the future. We can make our voices heard.
As a time capsule, we’re asking people to let the future know what we know, feel what we feel and see what we see. Because the world our future families live in will be made by us and the decisions and actions we take or don’t take today, the future deserves to know who we are. With this honesty comes understanding. So when the time capsule is exhibited before being secured for the future, we can take a look to better understand ourselves and each other today, and encourage others to join our community and stand up for our future tomorrow. The more people who join the community, the more powerful our voices will be.
There are many ways to join When Alice Dreams and joining the community couldn’t be simpler. It’s also free and open to everyone. Creators and Oracles talk to the future with imagination and knowledge. Founders help to set the whole thing up. Join the community as a Reporter if you want to show your support for your future family and those of us yet to come. You can join any number of these groups and become part of the community.
This is our chance to come together and make a difference. This is our chance to support those who are championing the future. If you care about your future family. If you care about how they will live and die. If you care about the planet and the consequences of climate change. If you care about the physical world and the political world we live in today. If you care about any of these things please join the community right away because the best thing about the future is that everyone gets a say.
The community has 4 groups. You can join any number of the groups and it’s free.
The fastest way to show your support and be part of the community is to join as a REPORTER or to sign up for ALICE news on the Home page. Everybody can sign up as a Reporter. You don’t need any special skills.
Right now we're building the community. The time capsule will be open for collecting once the community is established. Please join and add your support for your future families and those of us yet to come.
It's true. There are scientific and technological breakthroughs out there. There are some really big innovations in renewable energy. It comes down to economics and the will to change from business and politicians. This idea is good because if enough people call for change it will happen quicker. Science and technology are ready to help.
So at last we can talk to our children and grand-children about the world we will leave them with. We've always said 'what would we say to our children and their children'. Wow. That's a big test as we'll come face-to-face with ourselves.
Do you have to contribute to the time capsule or can you just join the community? I don't have any special talents or knowledge.
Even if you join any number of the groups, you are not committed to contribute something to the time capsule. If you don’t have the skills to be a Creator or an Oracle, you can still become a Reporter. Reporters don’t need any special skills. You can sign-up for the news letter to show your support too or become a Founder to make the whole project happen. Showing your support is just as important as contributing to the time capsule.
Make a more new posts please :)
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