Just to remind you
When Alice Dreams is a digital time capsule like no other and a community that reaches out across the generations.
We believe that the world is at major turning points in the human existence. No government and no corporation is willing to face up to the future consequences of their actions or non-actions. We also believe in the human spirit and the human family’s ability to succeed. Join the community and stand-up for the future. Stand-up for those of us yet to come.
The future world will be made by the decisions we make or don’t make today, and by actions we take or don’t take today. We believe the future has every right to look us in the eye and feel what we feel, know what we know and see what we see.
When Alice Dreams is designed to capture our emotions, our thoughts and our observations so we can understand ourselves and each other better today. And those of us yet to come will understand us and how their world came to be. Join the Community and show the future you care.
When Alice Dreams will open for collecting content from the Community. Then touring exhibitions will share our content with the world today.
Seven copies of When Alice Dreams will be made. Six will be secured for the future on six continents. The seventh will remain accessible.
This is a big undertaking. Give anything you can.