All about Alice
Here’s the Quick Start guide to how you and When Alice Dreams can reach out across the generations and change today and tomorrow.
Here’s the Quick Start guide to how you and When Alice Dreams can reach out across the generations and change today and tomorrow.
When Alice Dreams is a community and a digital time capsule that is designed to capture our feelings, our understanding and our interaction with the world around us. It’s a community of people who believe that no-one is safeguarding our world. A community that cares about the future.
By asking us to talk to the future we find out more about ourselves and each other today, and those of us yet to come will understand how their world has come to be.
Wonderland is such a magical, crazy place that when Alice dreams, she dreams of an even stranger world – our world. Our world is full of inspirational stories and achievements; heroic, brave and noble actions; empathy and compassion; love and hope. It’s also full of greed, abuse, intolerance and violence.
There is no stranger world than ours right now. We want the future to understand, whatever happens and whatever the outcome, how their world came to be.
We are at many major turning points in the human existence. We must act now. The future world will be made by us. Equal or unfair, barren or bountiful, at peace or at war, the decisions we make and the actions we take or don’t take today will reach out over time and greatly affect the lives of our future families.
The time capsule is designed to capture our emotions, our knowledge and our interactions with the world around us so our future families can feel what we feel, know what we know and see what we see. That way they understand how their world came to be. When we look at our contributions, we will know more about ourselves and each other. This will help to change our opinions, perceptions and attitudes today.
Join the community. Reach out to your future family. Make a world of difference today and tomorrow.
The simple answer is everyone on the planet*. We all have a stake in the future and we all care for those of us yet to come.
All of us alive today are welcome at When Alice Dreams. It goes beyond beliefs, borders and perceptions. The future belongs to us all.
Join the Community and show the future you care.
*currently over 16 but we’re working on a younger person’s Alice too
There are many, many ways to become part of the When Alice Dreams community. You can sign up for any number of them and you don’t need any special skills to take part.
Creators, Oracles and Reporters contribute to the time capsule. Founders bring Alice to life and help the less fortunate to talk to the future too.
We believe the future must feel what we feel, know what we know, see what we see to understand the decisions we make and the actions we take.
Creators are Alice’s heart. Creators let the future feel what we feel.
Oracles are Alice’s head. Oracles let the future know what we know.
Reporters are Alice’s eyes. Reporters let the future see what we see.
Founders bring Alice to life. Everyone can show the future they care as a Founder and help others to talk to the future too.
Right now we’re building the Community. Soon we’ll be launching a crowdfunding campaign to bring Alice to life.
Then When Alice Dreams will open for collecting our life stories, our creations, our expertise and our knowledge from the Community. Afterwards, touring exhibitions will show what Alice has gathered for the future. Finally, When Alice Dreams will be secured for generations to come on six continents. A seventh copy will remain accessible.
When you join When Alice Dreams, you join for all time to come.
We really want charities and institutions to become involved. From medicine to human rights, from conservation to poverty, charities lead the way in many fields and we want Alice to be able to see the work they do and the knowledge they have of how these life changing influences are affecting us all. The future must understand these major influences on our lives and on our planet.
Institutions too, from science to the arts, from engineering to the law, have a huge part to play in letting the future know what we know.
It’s up to us all to create and care for the future and what better way to start than at school. If you’re interested in participating in a When Alice Dreams schools and educational programme simply click the link below.