Founders – When Alice Dreams



Donate and get great rewards – become a Founder today

Please give anything you can. Tell all your friends and family too. Together we can make this happen.

Become listed as Founder for all time to come with your own unique Founder’s number. Your donation brings Alice to life and lets people join the conversation with the future who would otherwise remain silent.

There are some great rewards and your donation will reach out over time. The future will salute you


Pay it back. Pay it forward. Pay it now

Make a difference for all time to come

Give to When Alice Dreams and you make a difference for all time to come. Your donation brings Alice to life and lets more people join the conversation with the future.

We’ll soon be running a crowdfunding campaign with some really great perks and rewards. You and your family can become Founders and leave messages for your future family and relatives. You can give a child the Gift of Time. You can receive a unique certificate to print out and hand down through the generations until Alice awakes again. There are T-shirts, virtual postcards and Alice art. You can even become immortal. Just like the Chinese terra cotta warriors, your own life-sized statue can stand guard over Alice for all time.

Take a look at the video to see all the great perks and all the opportunities you have as a Founder. Sign-up as a Founder today to keep up to date. The first 100 Founders receive extra special rewards.



Just like the Chinese terra cotta warriors, your life-sized statue will guard Alice for all time to come

Become immortal. Become a legend. Become a Guardian of the Future. The Future will know who you are and just how much you care for those of us yet to come.

Childs ‘Gift of Future Hope’ t-shirt
Adult female t-shirt
Adult male t-shirt
‘Alice ‘Through-the-looking-glass’ art

Just to remind you

When Alice Dreams is a digital time capsule like no other and a community that reaches out across the generations.

We believe that the world is at major turning points in the human existence. No government and no corporation is willing to face up to the future consequences of their actions or non-actions. We also believe in the human spirit and the human family’s ability to succeed. Join the community and stand-up for the future. Stand-up for those of us yet to come.

The future world will be made by the decisions we make or don’t make today, and by actions we take or don’t take today. We believe the future has every right to look us in the eye and feel what we feel, know what we know and see what we see.

When Alice Dreams is designed to capture our emotions, our thoughts and our observations so we can understand ourselves and each other better today. And those of us yet to come will understand us and how their world came to be. Join the Community and show the future you care.

When Alice Dreams will open for collecting content from the Community. Then touring exhibitions will share our content with the world today.

Seven copies of When Alice Dreams will be made. Six will be secured for the future on six continents. The seventh will remain accessible.

This is a big undertaking. Give anything you can.